The What is Money Show? with Robert Breedlove
Denise joins Robert Breedlove for an in-depth conversation that delves into the many faces of the economy and values — they discuss the slippery definitions of economic value, cognitive awareness, and how these concepts relate to the individual.
Interview with Chris Leonard on “The Lords of Easy Money”
Denise interviews Chris Leonard on his bestselling book, “The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy.” The book tells the shocking, riveting tale of how quantitative easing is imperiling the American economy through the story of the one man who tried to warn us.
International Women's Forum: "Monopoly or Market Improvement?"
Tech giants like Alphabet, Apple, Amazon and Meta dominate their respective markets. A growing chorus of voices is asking whether they are doing more harm than good for consumers and whether this constitutes monopolistic behavior.
BNN Bloomberg - Time To Halt 'The Runaway Train' of Mergers
In the raging debate over whether big tech and social media companies have gotten too big and too powerful, there's a call for North American regulators to take action. Denise Hearn says the "runaway train" of merger activity is eliminating competition, which is bad for capitalism.
Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents Club - "The Myth of Capitalism"
Capitalism has lifted people from poverty and created widespread wealth for billions of people, most notably in China. Denise Hearn argues that the so-called capitalism that exists today is the antithesis of competitive marketplaces due to monopolies and oligopolies that dominate both the U.S. economy and China’s economy.
Fox Business - Big Tech Needs To Be Broken Up
Stuart Varney interviews Denise on Fox Business about the power of dominant tech companies, how we cannot rely on creative destruction to unleash innovation, and why it is time to break up big tech.

Episode 5: At the Edge of ESG
Organising The Future with Andrew Parry
Can investment strategies achieve real world environmental and social outcomes? Are private corporations the right vehicles for achieving social aims? Do we need to rethink an economic model skewed toward private activity and to challenge concentrations of power in order to value fully natural and social goods?
Episode 11
The Myth of Capitalism
Wander into any small town in the US and you'll find "a Subway, a Bank of America and some private-equity-owned retail chain". Denise Hearn explains how corporate monopolies are not only killing competition, choice and diversity, but weakening the economy.
Competition Solves Inflation
What does market power have to do with inflation? Denise speaks with Michael A. Gayed of the Lead-Lag report.
Capitalism, The Death of Competition and The Rise of Social Unrest
Episode 50
A fragile macro-economic landscape is what we are left with if the world’s big-four tech giants are allowed to be singularly focused on growing business, revenues and profits to shareholders.
Embodied Economics
A newsletter exploring economic paradigms and financial systems through: Nature, Body, Power, Care, and Interconnectedness.